Of our 17 to 34 million in America who live or work in Manufactured homes, 2 million are Native Americans also at risk, so here is copy of an email I sent to key leadership while they were gathered at annual convention in Tulsa Oklahoma:
To all NCAI Executives, Area, Community Leaders, Relatives and Friends who met in Tulsa:
My heart is sorrowed in not having been able to get this understanding to everyone, but I had only a few phone numbers and email addresses. I wish I could have been in Tulsa to inform all, answer questions and to hear, identify more cases and experiences from all Areas, Communities and Families – to save even more lives! Please share and discuss this email (copied here) and website information (below) with your Area, Community, all other NCAI Leaders, Members and Families for me. Thanks, Thomas L Rodgers
>> From Tom Rodgers, Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 11:50 AM >>
To NCAI Area Leaders (gathered at NCAI Tulsa Convention)
NCAI Officers, Attendees, Nancy and Assistants for Pres. Garcia (moderating Housing listening session in Tulsa)
Please call me if possible before Housing meeting today. Thomas Rodgers 801-298-9095
My disclosure of poisoning risk has been validated by the US GAO and CDC. [see links to reports in first paragraph below]
And I have been contacted with more cases of injuries and deaths proving the facts I spoke to in Portland (see video below) and in DC, before the US Senate, Congress, Executive Branch, and again with you of NCAI and all responsible Agencies there.
It is critically important to inform and make all Tribal Housing Leaders aware of the life threatening code violation enforced by HUD on all Manufactured Home production since 1976, including the FEMA trailers now being acquired by our communities.
This dangerous venting violation is easily fixed when housing specialists know and understand the problem. With this knowledge, you can confidently accept these units and easily take simple steps to correct and prevent any harm to occupant families.
All the information is in this website: GassingAmerica.us [or .com], which is also accessed as GassingNativeAmerica.us, ThreeFeetFromDeath.us [or .com] or DeadlyFumes.us etc).
Please see bottom of (this) my webpage with link to Russell Means [Freedom] as he, in great respect and honor, published my labors to help save all our relatives from any more of this kind of needless harm and loss of our little ones, house-bound parents and their families and the elderly we love and must take care of.
Please inform all Community Leaders as Winter brings its greatest risk of injury and death to us now! Already I have received reports of Lakota and other infants dying from this poisoning in these last few weeks of serious cold, especially in the Great Plains Area of Indian Country where there has been no electricity in many communities!
Again, Please call me with any questions or counsel – I would be grateful and greatly honored in your call, even more.
If possible, while still in Tulsa, please print and share "Your Manufactured Home Can Be Poisoning You and Your Family - 1May13.doc
– as well as this 2 sided sheet describing Symptoms and Government/Medical failure "DanielFlier-LegislativeNotice-BackToBack.doc
Thank you,
Thomas L Rodgers 801-298-9095
To all NCAI Executives, Area, Community Leaders, Relatives and Friends who met in Tulsa:
My heart is sorrowed in not having been able to get this understanding to everyone, but I had only a few phone numbers and email addresses. I wish I could have been in Tulsa to inform all, answer questions and to hear, identify more cases and experiences from all Areas, Communities and Families – to save even more lives! Please share and discuss this email (copied here) and website information (below) with your Area, Community, all other NCAI Leaders, Members and Families for me. Thanks, Thomas L Rodgers
>> From Tom Rodgers, Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 11:50 AM >>
To NCAI Area Leaders (gathered at NCAI Tulsa Convention)
NCAI Officers, Attendees, Nancy and Assistants for Pres. Garcia (moderating Housing listening session in Tulsa)
Please call me if possible before Housing meeting today. Thomas Rodgers 801-298-9095
My disclosure of poisoning risk has been validated by the US GAO and CDC. [see links to reports in first paragraph below]
And I have been contacted with more cases of injuries and deaths proving the facts I spoke to in Portland (see video below) and in DC, before the US Senate, Congress, Executive Branch, and again with you of NCAI and all responsible Agencies there.
It is critically important to inform and make all Tribal Housing Leaders aware of the life threatening code violation enforced by HUD on all Manufactured Home production since 1976, including the FEMA trailers now being acquired by our communities.
This dangerous venting violation is easily fixed when housing specialists know and understand the problem. With this knowledge, you can confidently accept these units and easily take simple steps to correct and prevent any harm to occupant families.
All the information is in this website: GassingAmerica.us [or .com], which is also accessed as GassingNativeAmerica.us, ThreeFeetFromDeath.us [or .com] or DeadlyFumes.us etc).
Please see bottom of (this) my webpage with link to Russell Means [Freedom] as he, in great respect and honor, published my labors to help save all our relatives from any more of this kind of needless harm and loss of our little ones, house-bound parents and their families and the elderly we love and must take care of.
Please inform all Community Leaders as Winter brings its greatest risk of injury and death to us now! Already I have received reports of Lakota and other infants dying from this poisoning in these last few weeks of serious cold, especially in the Great Plains Area of Indian Country where there has been no electricity in many communities!
Again, Please call me with any questions or counsel – I would be grateful and greatly honored in your call, even more.
If possible, while still in Tulsa, please print and share "Your Manufactured Home Can Be Poisoning You and Your Family - 1May13.doc
– as well as this 2 sided sheet describing Symptoms and Government/Medical failure "DanielFlier-LegislativeNotice-BackToBack.doc
Thank you,
Thomas L Rodgers 801-298-9095
In Infants, any one of the symptoms above (note the facial rosacea, purple feet and hands of infant Daniel in photo), and / or inconsolable crying (indicating headaches), inability to hold food down (nausea), inability to suckle (weakness), failure to thrive, and / or (misdiagnosed) symptoms of malnutrition, leukemia, diabetes, autoimmune, digestive, liver, heart, lung, neurological, endocrine or genetic disorders, etc. to "SIDS" and "crib death'' -- and since long term exposure can cause critical developing tissue (O2 deprivation) failures, membrane (esp. cerebral) and vascular ruptures and associated hemorrhaging (when subdermal: spontaneous bruising), some infant damages or deaths may be wrongly charged off as beatings, assault or "shaken baby syndrome".
Illnesses, Injuries and Deaths are Experienced as a Consequence:
Did you or anyone you know have one or more of the following symptoms? Unexplained (chronic) fatigue, bouts of nausea, headaches, appearance of intoxication (with or without drinking), loss of memory, agitation, flu-like (but without fever) symptoms, rosacea (a red skin blush), purple, pale or jaundice, general weakness, nose-bleeds, coughing spells (sometimes with blood) labored breathing, struggle for air, light headedness, lethargy, fainting spells, listlessness, inability to sleep soundly, loss of appetite, reduced fertility, reduced virility, miscarriage, birth defects, numerological and physiological fetal damage in pregnancy, unexplainable weight loss or gain, or unusual heart problems: angina, arrhythmia, myocarditis, infarction, etc (all are absolute expressions of CO induced hypoxia).
In Infants, any one of the symptoms above (note the facial rosacea, purple feet and hands of infant Daniel in photo), and / or inconsolable crying (indicating headaches), inability to hold food down (nausea), inability to suckle (weakness), failure to thrive, and / or (misdiagnosed) symptoms of malnutrition, leukemia, diabetes, autoimmune, digestive, liver, heart, lung, neurological, endocrine or genetic disorders, etc. to "SIDS" and "crib death'' -- and since long term exposure can cause critical developing tissue (O2 deprivation) failures, membrane (esp. cerebral) and vascular ruptures and associated hemorrhaging (when subdermal: spontaneous bruising), some infant damages or deaths may be wrongly charged off as beatings, assault or "shaken baby syndrome".
Did you find any elderly or otherwise infirmed unusually listless, slowed, or unresponsive, where they had been communicative, bright, or active prior?
Do you know of any children, adolescents or adult who were healthy before, but curiously became subtly to seriously ill as Winter commenced, deepened and progressed -- then with warming weather (less furnace operation), they may have "miraculously" improved! -- or someone who did not make it though the Winter, yet should have! -- or who died for no solidly diagnosed reason. --
-- Too often Carbon Monoxide victims are mis-diagnosed with heart or lung disease, leukemia, diabetes, malnutrition, vitamin B12 deficiency, depression, endocrine or genetic disorders, etc, etc, etc. even Munchausen by Proxy (it fits easily); then are expensively (futilely, even dangerously) treated into bankruptcy for those, when all that was really needed was a simple $40.00 (Carboxyhemoglobin) test, and prescribed the simple (and cheap) treatment of clean air, clean food and genuine love! -- none for which a Doctor, Hospital, the State, its Bureaucracy or their Lawyers can extravagantly charge and honestly profit!
-- And worse, being returned to the same toxic environment to repeat the illness cycles, establish more damage, even to die! -- tlr 3/17/08
America's Manufactured / Mobile Home Occupants live in danger!
17 to 34 Million in America are at risk of subtle CO poisoning in some 12 million Manufactured & Mobile homes! as HUD violated OSHA, NAHB, IRC & other code!
By HUD mandating the placement of breathing-air intakes only three feet away from heating exhausts . . . occupants inside are effectively placed Only Three Feet from poisoning, injury and death in HUD's Toxic Hell!
Every Manufactured and Mobile Home produced in America since June 15 1976 is constructed under the complete contol of HUD (see tag in photo). And for some unexplained reason HUD chose to set their own codes which violate all other health and safety construction codes which have been long established by all other advisory agencies or organizations, including OSHA, NIOSH, ICC, IRC, ASHRAE, CPSC and more.
As a result of HUD deliberate deviation of code, every Manufactured and Mobile home produced since their regulatory take over of the entire industry puts any occupants at risk of subtle to serious injury or death relative to these factors:
Combustion Heated units
Any unit which is combustion heated (by Natural Gas, Propane, Kerosine, oil, cool or wood) presents a risk of Carbon Monoxide, combustion produced Formaldehyde, NOx and VOCs! Some units also introduce attic contaminates (insulation dust, etc – an example follows). And in some floor plans sewer gas contaminations (ammonia, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide etc) because HUD chose a 3 foot separation rule (explained in this website). as opposed to the rational, greater separation of 10, 12 or more feet as required by every other agency.
Electric Heated or Cooled units
Units heated or cooled by electricity do not present the same combustion exhaust toxins, Carbon Monoxide etc, poisoning risks (as the above described combustion heated units do), but, depending on floor plan, and again as a result of HUD's choice in their mandated code violations, the "All Electric" units do presents a risk of sewer gas contaminate poisonings.
– And in addition, depending on some unit roof geometries, that include attic contaminates as descibed above.
(Explanation of "Attic Ventilator w/ Fresh Air intake Violation" is in photos and case example near bottom.)
Diagnostic Failure
This sad insidious health and safety insult against the occupants of Manufactured and Mobile homes, by HUD, has unexplainably been facilitated, and curiously in the same time frame (33 years), in the manipulation of diagnostic protocols (so-call "Best Practices" guidelines) having removed the previous assertive human physiological (serum ie. blood SpCO Carboxyhemoglobin) Carbon Monoxide poisoning testing from immediate First Responder evaluations and standard clinical Diagnostic Protocols. As a result, million of poisoning events are never diagnosed or are misdiagnosed (and profited). Our discussion of that medical dereliction, with case examples, is found in our websites FamilyVsState.us, DanielInTheLionsDen.us and LicensetoKill.us -- look at them later.
For now please continue to learn the structural geometry code violations and poisoning causes. Then finishing with a simple health and life protecting remedy you can easily effect to save lives right here! Maybe your own!
To prevent further harm, you must "Love Your Neighbor!"
To save innocent lives – since after nearly five years of clear notice (Feb 2008), HUD, our Government, HHS and the AMA have done nothing to correct their violation! – this poisoning risk problem requires the attention and intervention of a loving or sincerely caring, neighbor, extended family member, or friend! – like you!
This harmful, even deadly situation, which exists with some 17 to 34 million of your neighbors, their infants and families with them, can only be identified and mitigated by those non–toxic, unaffected, observant, clear headed, caring friends!
– That is because the victims, specifically the adults in the effected households, are not always able to clearly recognize or understand their own family's injuries or their own invisible poisoning!
– And worse, in their subtle states of respired exhaust fumes hypoxia and Carbon Monoxide (CO) intoxication, their reasoning is often markedly impaired – so their sense of risk, danger, or urgency is made almost always, even fatally compromised to non-existent! – and they do not easily recognize or admit it!
– And it is not unusual for the responsible adults to respond in defensive denial of their own diminished mental function, coherence or reason – even denying any obvious declines in their own physical health. This denial is sadly reinforced by Medicine's currently chosen malfeasance in toxic exhaust – CO poisoning deliberate non-diagnoses within their Profession's dictums deliberated to profiteering with other, more lucrative, (mis-)diagnosis and treatments – which subsequently predisposes the cycling of the patient back to their uncorrected toxic environment (as was done my parents in their Manufactured home in Zuni Ariz), adding more insult to injury, and perpetuating even more medical dependence, mistreatment, even death!
17 to 34 Million in America are at risk of subtle CO poisoning in some 12 million Manufactured & Mobile homes! as HUD violated OSHA, NAHB, IRC & other code!
By HUD mandating the placement of breathing-air intakes only three feet away from heating exhausts . . . occupants inside are effectively placed Only Three Feet from poisoning, injury and death in HUD's Toxic Hell!
Every Manufactured and Mobile Home produced in America since June 15 1976 is constructed under the complete contol of HUD (see tag in photo). And for some unexplained reason HUD chose to set their own codes which violate all other health and safety construction codes which have been long established by all other advisory agencies or organizations, including OSHA, NIOSH, ICC, IRC, ASHRAE, CPSC and more.
As a result of HUD deliberate deviation of code, every Manufactured and Mobile home produced since their regulatory take over of the entire industry puts any occupants at risk of subtle to serious injury or death relative to these factors:
Combustion Heated units
Any unit which is combustion heated (by Natural Gas, Propane, Kerosine, oil, cool or wood) presents a risk of Carbon Monoxide, combustion produced Formaldehyde, NOx and VOCs! Some units also introduce attic contaminates (insulation dust, etc – an example follows). And in some floor plans sewer gas contaminations (ammonia, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide etc) because HUD chose a 3 foot separation rule (explained in this website). as opposed to the rational, greater separation of 10, 12 or more feet as required by every other agency.
Electric Heated or Cooled units
Units heated or cooled by electricity do not present the same combustion exhaust toxins, Carbon Monoxide etc, poisoning risks (as the above described combustion heated units do), but, depending on floor plan, and again as a result of HUD's choice in their mandated code violations, the "All Electric" units do presents a risk of sewer gas contaminate poisonings.
– And in addition, depending on some unit roof geometries, that include attic contaminates as descibed above.
(Explanation of "Attic Ventilator w/ Fresh Air intake Violation" is in photos and case example near bottom.)
Diagnostic Failure
This sad insidious health and safety insult against the occupants of Manufactured and Mobile homes, by HUD, has unexplainably been facilitated, and curiously in the same time frame (33 years), in the manipulation of diagnostic protocols (so-call "Best Practices" guidelines) having removed the previous assertive human physiological (serum ie. blood SpCO Carboxyhemoglobin) Carbon Monoxide poisoning testing from immediate First Responder evaluations and standard clinical Diagnostic Protocols. As a result, million of poisoning events are never diagnosed or are misdiagnosed (and profited). Our discussion of that medical dereliction, with case examples, is found in our websites FamilyVsState.us, DanielInTheLionsDen.us and LicensetoKill.us -- look at them later.
For now please continue to learn the structural geometry code violations and poisoning causes. Then finishing with a simple health and life protecting remedy you can easily effect to save lives right here! Maybe your own!
To prevent further harm, you must "Love Your Neighbor!"
To save innocent lives – since after nearly five years of clear notice (Feb 2008), HUD, our Government, HHS and the AMA have done nothing to correct their violation! – this poisoning risk problem requires the attention and intervention of a loving or sincerely caring, neighbor, extended family member, or friend! – like you!
This harmful, even deadly situation, which exists with some 17 to 34 million of your neighbors, their infants and families with them, can only be identified and mitigated by those non–toxic, unaffected, observant, clear headed, caring friends!
– That is because the victims, specifically the adults in the effected households, are not always able to clearly recognize or understand their own family's injuries or their own invisible poisoning!
– And worse, in their subtle states of respired exhaust fumes hypoxia and Carbon Monoxide (CO) intoxication, their reasoning is often markedly impaired – so their sense of risk, danger, or urgency is made almost always, even fatally compromised to non-existent! – and they do not easily recognize or admit it!
– And it is not unusual for the responsible adults to respond in defensive denial of their own diminished mental function, coherence or reason – even denying any obvious declines in their own physical health. This denial is sadly reinforced by Medicine's currently chosen malfeasance in toxic exhaust – CO poisoning deliberate non-diagnoses within their Profession's dictums deliberated to profiteering with other, more lucrative, (mis-)diagnosis and treatments – which subsequently predisposes the cycling of the patient back to their uncorrected toxic environment (as was done my parents in their Manufactured home in Zuni Ariz), adding more insult to injury, and perpetuating even more medical dependence, mistreatment, even death!
Me, Thomas L Rodgers with Jack Abramoff
OSHA : 50 ppm
NIOSH: 35 ppm; C 200 ppm
ACGIH: 25 ppm
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists set CO PEL at 25ppm
NIOSH: 35 ppm; C 200 ppm
ACGIH: 25 ppm
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists set CO PEL at 25ppm
NIOSH HomeNIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards
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Carbon monoxide Synonyms & Trade Names Carbon oxide, Flue gas, Monoxide CAS No. 630-08-0 RTECS No. FG3500000 DOT ID & Guide 1016 119
9202 168 (cryogenic liquid) FormulaCO Conversion 1 ppm = 1.15 mg/m3 IDLH 1200 ppm
See: 630080 Exposure Limits NIOSH REL: TWA 35 ppm (40 mg/m3) C 200 ppm (229 mg/m3)
OSHA PEL†: TWA 50 ppm (55 mg/m3) Measurement Methods
NIOSH 6604 ;
OSHA ID209 , ID210
See: NMAM or OSHA Methods Physical Description Colorless, odorless gas. [Note: Shipped as a nonliquefied or liquefied compressed gas.] MW: 28.0 BP: -313°F MLT: -337°F Sol: 2% VP: >35 atm IP: 14.01 eV
Fl.P: NA (Gas) UEL: 74% LEL: 12.5% RGasD: 0.97
Flammable Gas Incompatibilities & Reactivities Strong oxidizers, bromine trifluoride, chlorine trifluoride, lithium Exposure Routes inhalation, skin and/or eye contact (liquid) Symptoms headache, tachypnea, nausea, lassitude (weakness, exhaustion), dizziness, confusion, hallucinations; cyanosis; depressed S-T segment of electrocardiogram, angina, syncope Target Organs cardiovascular system, lungs, blood, central nervous system Personal Protection/Sanitation (See protection codes)
Skin: Frostbite
Eyes: Frostbite
Wash skin: No recommendation
Remove: When wet (flammable)
Change: No recommendation
Provide: Frostbite wash First Aid (See procedures)
Eye: Frostbite
Skin: Frostbite
Breathing: Respiratory support
Respirator Recommendations
Up to 350 ppm:
(APF = 10) Any supplied-air respirator
Up to 875 ppm:
(APF = 25) Any supplied-air respirator operated in a continuous-flow mode
Up to 1200 ppm:
(APF = 50) Any air-purifying, full-facepiece respirator (gas mask) with a chin-style, front- or back-mounted canister providing protection against the compound of concern†
(APF = 50) Any self-contained breathing apparatus with a full facepiece
(APF = 50) Any supplied-air respirator with a full facepiece
Emergency or planned entry into unknown concentrations or IDLH conditions:
(APF = 10,000) Any self-contained breathing apparatus that has a full facepiece and is operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-pressure mode
(APF = 10,000) Any supplied-air respirator that has a full facepiece and is operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-pressure mode in combination with an auxiliary self-contained positive-pressure breathing apparatus
(APF = 50) Any air-purifying, full-facepiece respirator (gas mask) with a chin-style, front- or back-mounted canister providing protection against the compound of concern†
Any appropriate escape-type, self-contained breathing apparatus
Important additional information about respirator selection
See also: INTRODUCTION See ICSC CARD: 0023 See MEDICAL TESTS: 0040 View this page in Order NIOSH Publications Contact Us:
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- Page last reviewed: April 4, 2011
- Page last updated: November 18, 2010
- Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Education and Information Division
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Illnesses, Injuries and Deaths Experienced as a Consequence:
In Adults and Communicating Children Did you or anyone you know have one or more of the following symptoms? Unexplained (chronic) fatigue, bouts of nausea, headaches, appearance of intoxication (without drinking), loss of memory, agitation, flu-like (but without fever) symptoms, rosacea (a red skin blush), purple, pale or jaundice, general weakness, nose-bleeds, coughing spells (sometimes with blood) labored breathing, struggle for air, light headedness, lethargy, fainting spells, listlessness, inability to sleep soundly, loss of appetite, failure to conceive, reduced fertility, reduced virility, miscarriage, birth defects, numerological and physiological fetal damage in pregnancy, unexplainable weight loss or gain, or unusual heart problems: angina, arrhythmia, myocarditis, infarction, etc (all are absolute expressions of CO induced hypoxia).
In Infants and Toddlers any one of the symptoms above (note the facial rosacea, purple feet and hands of infant Daniel in photo), and / or inconsolable crying (indicating headaches), inability to hold food down (nausea), inability to suckle (weakness), failure to thrive, and / or (misdiagnosed) symptoms of malnutrition, leukemia, diabetes, autoimmune, digestive, liver, heart, lung, neurological, endocrine or genetic disorders, etc. to "SIDS" and "crib death'' -- and since long term exposure can cause critical developing tissue (O2 deprivation) failures, membrane (esp. cerebral) and vascular ruptures and associated hemorrhaging (when subdermal: spontaneous bruising), some infant damages or deaths may be wrongly charged off as beatings, assault or "shaken baby syndrome".
In Elderly Did you find any elderly or otherwise infirmed unusually listless, slowed, or unresponsive, where they had been communicative, bright, or active prior?
Do you know of any children, adolescents or adult who were healthy before, but curiously became subtly to seriously ill as Winter commenced, deepened and progressed -- then with warming weather (less furnace operation), they may have "miraculously" improved! -- or someone who did not make it though the Winter, yet should have! -- or who died for no solidly diagnosed reason. --
-- Too often Carbon Monoxide victims are mis-diagnosed with heart or lung disease, leukemia, diabetes, malnutrition, vitamin B12 deficiency, depression, endocrine or genetic disorders, etc, etc, etc. even Munchausen by Proxy (it fits easily); then are expensively (futilely, even dangerously) treated into bankruptcy for those, when all that was really needed was a simple $40.00 (Carboxyhemoglobin) test, and prescribed the simple (and cheap) treatment of clean air, clean food and genuine love! -- none for which a Doctor, Hospital, the State, its Bureaucracy or their Lawyers can extravagantly charge and honestly profit!
-- And worse, being returned to the same toxic environment to repeat the illness cycles, establish more damage, even to die! -- tlr 3/17/08
In Adults and Communicating Children Did you or anyone you know have one or more of the following symptoms? Unexplained (chronic) fatigue, bouts of nausea, headaches, appearance of intoxication (without drinking), loss of memory, agitation, flu-like (but without fever) symptoms, rosacea (a red skin blush), purple, pale or jaundice, general weakness, nose-bleeds, coughing spells (sometimes with blood) labored breathing, struggle for air, light headedness, lethargy, fainting spells, listlessness, inability to sleep soundly, loss of appetite, failure to conceive, reduced fertility, reduced virility, miscarriage, birth defects, numerological and physiological fetal damage in pregnancy, unexplainable weight loss or gain, or unusual heart problems: angina, arrhythmia, myocarditis, infarction, etc (all are absolute expressions of CO induced hypoxia).
In Infants and Toddlers any one of the symptoms above (note the facial rosacea, purple feet and hands of infant Daniel in photo), and / or inconsolable crying (indicating headaches), inability to hold food down (nausea), inability to suckle (weakness), failure to thrive, and / or (misdiagnosed) symptoms of malnutrition, leukemia, diabetes, autoimmune, digestive, liver, heart, lung, neurological, endocrine or genetic disorders, etc. to "SIDS" and "crib death'' -- and since long term exposure can cause critical developing tissue (O2 deprivation) failures, membrane (esp. cerebral) and vascular ruptures and associated hemorrhaging (when subdermal: spontaneous bruising), some infant damages or deaths may be wrongly charged off as beatings, assault or "shaken baby syndrome".
In Elderly Did you find any elderly or otherwise infirmed unusually listless, slowed, or unresponsive, where they had been communicative, bright, or active prior?
Do you know of any children, adolescents or adult who were healthy before, but curiously became subtly to seriously ill as Winter commenced, deepened and progressed -- then with warming weather (less furnace operation), they may have "miraculously" improved! -- or someone who did not make it though the Winter, yet should have! -- or who died for no solidly diagnosed reason. --
-- Too often Carbon Monoxide victims are mis-diagnosed with heart or lung disease, leukemia, diabetes, malnutrition, vitamin B12 deficiency, depression, endocrine or genetic disorders, etc, etc, etc. even Munchausen by Proxy (it fits easily); then are expensively (futilely, even dangerously) treated into bankruptcy for those, when all that was really needed was a simple $40.00 (Carboxyhemoglobin) test, and prescribed the simple (and cheap) treatment of clean air, clean food and genuine love! -- none for which a Doctor, Hospital, the State, its Bureaucracy or their Lawyers can extravagantly charge and honestly profit!
-- And worse, being returned to the same toxic environment to repeat the illness cycles, establish more damage, even to die! -- tlr 3/17/08