18Jan2013Copy of HomePage
America's Manufactured / Mobile Home Occupants live in danger!
– for 36 years no one has told them what or how! – until now!
17 to 34 Million in America have been and still are at risk of subtle to serious poisoning in some 7-12 million Manufactured & Mobile homes as HUD chose to violate OSHA, IRC, ASHRAE, ICC, GAMA, NAHB, and all others' code! for 36 years.
– This fact was finally verified for me 24 Oct 2012 (vindicating me and my labors) through the US Government Accountability Office - GAO (and quietly by the CDC), after 4 ¾ years of my persistent petitioning all responsible Agencies, the entire US Senate, Congress, even the White House for investigation, report, publicity and correction. – We now have the Report, but, so far, no publicity and no correction.
Since June 15, 1976, as HUD was given absolute control over the Manufactured and Mobile Home production industry, HUD (via its 1974 MHCSS act) concocted and mandated the placement of their blower-fan powered (so-called) "Fresh" [Breathing]-Air Intake on the roof, only three feet away from Heating (Sewer, other) Exhausts (photo below–left) of every Manufactured or Mobile Home produced in America . . . effectively placing every occupant inside only Three Feet from Heating (Sewer. etc) Exhaust Fumes poisoning injuries, illnesses, even death through HUD's NFPA sponsored MHCC deliberated and approved "toxic risk" venting design!
– for 36 years no one has told them what or how! – until now!
17 to 34 Million in America have been and still are at risk of subtle to serious poisoning in some 7-12 million Manufactured & Mobile homes as HUD chose to violate OSHA, IRC, ASHRAE, ICC, GAMA, NAHB, and all others' code! for 36 years.
– This fact was finally verified for me 24 Oct 2012 (vindicating me and my labors) through the US Government Accountability Office - GAO (and quietly by the CDC), after 4 ¾ years of my persistent petitioning all responsible Agencies, the entire US Senate, Congress, even the White House for investigation, report, publicity and correction. – We now have the Report, but, so far, no publicity and no correction.
Since June 15, 1976, as HUD was given absolute control over the Manufactured and Mobile Home production industry, HUD (via its 1974 MHCSS act) concocted and mandated the placement of their blower-fan powered (so-called) "Fresh" [Breathing]-Air Intake on the roof, only three feet away from Heating (Sewer, other) Exhausts (photo below–left) of every Manufactured or Mobile Home produced in America . . . effectively placing every occupant inside only Three Feet from Heating (Sewer. etc) Exhaust Fumes poisoning injuries, illnesses, even death through HUD's NFPA sponsored MHCC deliberated and approved "toxic risk" venting design!
HUD's Dangerous - often Deadly - Venting Violation!
HUD's "Fresh-Air" Intake [left] on this unit was allowed at only 3¼ ft [cap to cap] separation distance from its Furnace Exhaust [right]. Water Heater Exhaust [above] is only 6 ft distant, Attic vent is 4½ ft. Sewer vents (not seen) are also allowed at as little as 3 ft by HUD.
- While reading this page, please listen to my interview; then Dr Doris Rapp with me on "Power Hour" Radio: 2 Dec 2008, first hour, then second hour.
- Also Republic Magazine's interview of me and my friend and colleague in Science Dr Jay Bishop 22 July 2012, for 2 hours - Using these links above for your own player – or the flash players below: |
Appreciate music and visual message of this video The Air that I Breath.
Developing fetuses, newborns, infants and toddlers are the most affected and can be left subtly to seriously damaged by even the slightest exposures – followed by house-bound, handicapped, elderly. and already infirmed! My cases prove that. |
Every Manufactured and Mobile Home in America
– All units produced since June 15 1976 are constructed under the complete regulatory power and control of HUD (see HUD's "construction and safety" tag in photo below). For some unexplained reason HUD chose to set their own "health and safety" construction codes in contradiction to (in blatant violation of) all other codes that have been long established by all other advisory agencies or organizations, including OSHA, NIOSH, ICC, IRC, ASHRAE, CPSC, and even NFPA prior to it being "highjacked" into collusion with HUD to underwrite this violation by sponsoring HUD's MHCC; a ruse oversight committee per GAO report [herein linked] et al.
[Click photo of house (or links here) for descriptive video 'poisoning by design'. Then click here for next video showing HUD's deviant design 'caught in the act' of poisoning these homes – with the 'tag-trusting' occupants inside.]
– All units produced since June 15 1976 are constructed under the complete regulatory power and control of HUD (see HUD's "construction and safety" tag in photo below). For some unexplained reason HUD chose to set their own "health and safety" construction codes in contradiction to (in blatant violation of) all other codes that have been long established by all other advisory agencies or organizations, including OSHA, NIOSH, ICC, IRC, ASHRAE, CPSC, and even NFPA prior to it being "highjacked" into collusion with HUD to underwrite this violation by sponsoring HUD's MHCC; a ruse oversight committee per GAO report [herein linked] et al.
[Click photo of house (or links here) for descriptive video 'poisoning by design'. Then click here for next video showing HUD's deviant design 'caught in the act' of poisoning these homes – with the 'tag-trusting' occupants inside.]
HUD's License: HUD's 36 year Mandate enforcing Deliberate Deviation from Code!
– As a result, every Manufactured and Mobile home produced or sold in America, since HUD's June 15, 1976 regulatory take over and absolute control of the entire industry, has put all occupants inside at risk of subtle to serious injury or death relative to these [multiple] health and safety construction design, inspection and production abuse factors, for 36 years:
Combustion Heated units
Any unit which is combustion heated (Natural Gas, Propane, Kerosine, oil, cool or wood) presents a risk of Carbon Monoxide, combustion produced Formaldehyde, NOx and VOCs! Some units venting configurations also introduce attic contaminates (insulation dust, volatiles, etc – an example follows below). And in some units (depending on floor plan) sewer gas contaminations are allowed to enter (ammonia, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide etc) because HUD chose a 3 foot (perimeter) separation rule (explained in this website). as opposed to the rational, greater separation (perimeters) of 10, 12 or more feet as required by every other agency.
Electric Heated or Cooled units
Units heated or cooled by electricity do not present the same combustion exhaust toxins, Carbon Monoxide etc, poisoning risks (as the above described combustion heated units do), but, depending on floor plan, and again as a result of HUD's choice in their mandated code violations, the "All Electric" units can present a risk of sewer gas contaminate poisonings.
– And in addition, depending on some unit roof geometries, that include attic contaminates as described above.
(Explanation of "Attic Ventilator w/ Fresh Air intake Violation" is in photos and case example near bottom.)
Diagnostic Failure
This sad (insidious) health and safety insult against the occupants of Manufactured and Mobile homes, by HUD, has without moral explanation, been facilitated without public notice, curiously in the same 36 year time frame, through the manipulation of Medicine's diagnostic protocols. The so-call "Best Practices" guidelines (written by the financial interests in Medicine) removed the previous assertive human physiological serum [blood] Carboxyhemoglobin Carbon Monoxide poisoning testing from immediate First Responder evaluations and standard Clinical Diagnostic Protocols. As a result, million of poisoning events are never diagnosed nor reported, or are misdiagnosed (and given lucrative treatments and medications instead). Our discussion of that medical dereliction, with case examples, is found in our websites FamilyVsState.us, DanielInTheLionsDen.us and LicensetoKill.us -- look at them later.
Alarm Failure
Carbon Monoxide Alarms are not a guarantee of human (or pet) safety! - especially for developing fetuses, infants, toddlers, (pets), or anyone that is delicate, already infirmed, handicapped and/or house-bound, and is being subjected to long term low levels of poisoning. In fact in several of my cases, the infants were already found dead long before the alarms in the homes sounded any warnings - most did not sound at all. Carbon Monoxide detectors are only truly useful in severe combustion (heating, cooking) or transportation equipment misuse or failures, but are not protection in the subtle poisonings, like HUD created here, or most other equivalent CO contamination events presented. That is because most commercially available alarms do not sound in the subtle, long term, low level, cumulative toxins events in which the children of my cases died, or very nearly died! Alarms present at best, high level poisoning event warnings, but always worse, create a false sense of security! – and an excuse for First Responders and Medicine to not test you, specifically your blood stream – which is the only way to identify low level accumulating Carbon Monoxide toxicity (which kills far more individuals than all severe events ever did, combined). [Reference the discussion of alarm limitations in my friend and colleague, Dr Jay Bishop's Davis Clipper newspaper article: "Remedy Could Block CO Risk" - linked below].
For Now
Please continue here to understand the structural "geometric" code violations of HUD and their venting configuration insult utilized in their human occupant poisoning method and cause. – Also learn a simple health and life protecting remedy you can easily effect (do or have done) to save lives right now! – Maybe your own!
Any unit which is combustion heated (Natural Gas, Propane, Kerosine, oil, cool or wood) presents a risk of Carbon Monoxide, combustion produced Formaldehyde, NOx and VOCs! Some units venting configurations also introduce attic contaminates (insulation dust, volatiles, etc – an example follows below). And in some units (depending on floor plan) sewer gas contaminations are allowed to enter (ammonia, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide etc) because HUD chose a 3 foot (perimeter) separation rule (explained in this website). as opposed to the rational, greater separation (perimeters) of 10, 12 or more feet as required by every other agency.
Electric Heated or Cooled units
Units heated or cooled by electricity do not present the same combustion exhaust toxins, Carbon Monoxide etc, poisoning risks (as the above described combustion heated units do), but, depending on floor plan, and again as a result of HUD's choice in their mandated code violations, the "All Electric" units can present a risk of sewer gas contaminate poisonings.
– And in addition, depending on some unit roof geometries, that include attic contaminates as described above.
(Explanation of "Attic Ventilator w/ Fresh Air intake Violation" is in photos and case example near bottom.)
Diagnostic Failure
This sad (insidious) health and safety insult against the occupants of Manufactured and Mobile homes, by HUD, has without moral explanation, been facilitated without public notice, curiously in the same 36 year time frame, through the manipulation of Medicine's diagnostic protocols. The so-call "Best Practices" guidelines (written by the financial interests in Medicine) removed the previous assertive human physiological serum [blood] Carboxyhemoglobin Carbon Monoxide poisoning testing from immediate First Responder evaluations and standard Clinical Diagnostic Protocols. As a result, million of poisoning events are never diagnosed nor reported, or are misdiagnosed (and given lucrative treatments and medications instead). Our discussion of that medical dereliction, with case examples, is found in our websites FamilyVsState.us, DanielInTheLionsDen.us and LicensetoKill.us -- look at them later.
Alarm Failure
Carbon Monoxide Alarms are not a guarantee of human (or pet) safety! - especially for developing fetuses, infants, toddlers, (pets), or anyone that is delicate, already infirmed, handicapped and/or house-bound, and is being subjected to long term low levels of poisoning. In fact in several of my cases, the infants were already found dead long before the alarms in the homes sounded any warnings - most did not sound at all. Carbon Monoxide detectors are only truly useful in severe combustion (heating, cooking) or transportation equipment misuse or failures, but are not protection in the subtle poisonings, like HUD created here, or most other equivalent CO contamination events presented. That is because most commercially available alarms do not sound in the subtle, long term, low level, cumulative toxins events in which the children of my cases died, or very nearly died! Alarms present at best, high level poisoning event warnings, but always worse, create a false sense of security! – and an excuse for First Responders and Medicine to not test you, specifically your blood stream – which is the only way to identify low level accumulating Carbon Monoxide toxicity (which kills far more individuals than all severe events ever did, combined). [Reference the discussion of alarm limitations in my friend and colleague, Dr Jay Bishop's Davis Clipper newspaper article: "Remedy Could Block CO Risk" - linked below].
For Now
Please continue here to understand the structural "geometric" code violations of HUD and their venting configuration insult utilized in their human occupant poisoning method and cause. – Also learn a simple health and life protecting remedy you can easily effect (do or have done) to save lives right now! – Maybe your own!
To prevent further harm, you must "Love Your Neighbor!"
To save innocent lives – since after nearly five years of clear notice (Feb 2008), HUD, our Government, HHS and the AMA have done nothing to correct their violation – this poisoning risk problem requires the attention and intervention of an understanding, loving or sincerely caring, neighbor, extended family member, or friend! – like you!
This harmful, even deadly situation which exists with some 17 to 34 million of your neighbors, their infants and families with them, most often can only be identified and mitigated by those non–toxic, unaffected, observant, clear headed, caring friends or family members living outside the affected family's Manufactured or Mobile home!
– That is because the victims, specifically the adults in the affected households, in their own subtly Carbon Monoxide dominant combustion fumes intoxicated state are not always able to clearly recognize or understand their own family's injuries – or their own invisible poisoning!
– And worse, in their subtle states of respired exhaust fumes hypoxia (oxygen deprivation) and Carbon Monoxide intoxication, their reasoning is often markedly impaired – so their sense of risk, danger, or urgency is made almost always, even fatally, compromised to non-existent! – and they do not easily recognize or wish to admit it!
– So it is not unusual for the responsible adults to respond in defensive denial of their own diminished mental function, coherence or reason – even denying any obvious declines in their own physical health.
This denial is sadly reinforced by Medicine's currently chosen malfeasance in toxic exhaust CO poisonings with their (deliberate) non-diagnoses (failure to test immediately for carbon monoxide in blood) within their Profession's dictums deliberated towards profiting with other, more lucrative, (mis-)diagnosis and treatments – which subsequently predisposes cycling (returning) the patient back to their uncorrected toxic environment (as was done with my parents in their Manufactured Home in Zuni, Ariz), adding more insult to initial injury, and perpetuating even more expensive medical dependence, mistreatment, permanent damage, even potential death!
To save innocent lives – since after nearly five years of clear notice (Feb 2008), HUD, our Government, HHS and the AMA have done nothing to correct their violation – this poisoning risk problem requires the attention and intervention of an understanding, loving or sincerely caring, neighbor, extended family member, or friend! – like you!
This harmful, even deadly situation which exists with some 17 to 34 million of your neighbors, their infants and families with them, most often can only be identified and mitigated by those non–toxic, unaffected, observant, clear headed, caring friends or family members living outside the affected family's Manufactured or Mobile home!
– That is because the victims, specifically the adults in the affected households, in their own subtly Carbon Monoxide dominant combustion fumes intoxicated state are not always able to clearly recognize or understand their own family's injuries – or their own invisible poisoning!
– And worse, in their subtle states of respired exhaust fumes hypoxia (oxygen deprivation) and Carbon Monoxide intoxication, their reasoning is often markedly impaired – so their sense of risk, danger, or urgency is made almost always, even fatally, compromised to non-existent! – and they do not easily recognize or wish to admit it!
– So it is not unusual for the responsible adults to respond in defensive denial of their own diminished mental function, coherence or reason – even denying any obvious declines in their own physical health.
This denial is sadly reinforced by Medicine's currently chosen malfeasance in toxic exhaust CO poisonings with their (deliberate) non-diagnoses (failure to test immediately for carbon monoxide in blood) within their Profession's dictums deliberated towards profiting with other, more lucrative, (mis-)diagnosis and treatments – which subsequently predisposes cycling (returning) the patient back to their uncorrected toxic environment (as was done with my parents in their Manufactured Home in Zuni, Ariz), adding more insult to initial injury, and perpetuating even more expensive medical dependence, mistreatment, permanent damage, even potential death!
So saving these lives, the lives of their precious infants or their other family members or individuals living with them, may truly depend on genuinely loving, astute, informed and wise, functioning and courageous friends like you – armed with these facts and this truth! – So please read on!
Click links and carefully read attached papers and sites following. These have already saved the lives of many Manufactured / Mobile Home occupants, their infants, children and other loved ones with them! – They may save yours: (This webpage should remain available in tab or window stack for easy return, while you look at these following links)
http://DavisClipper.com/view/full_story/1911745/article-Remedy-could-block-CO-risk? [by Dr Jay Bishop]
http://DanielInTheLionsDen.us ...Baby Daniel's original case w/ my Discovery – Utah State Court conceded!
http://LicenseToKill.us ...National poisoning problem – US CDC admitted, US GAO verified!
Thomas L Rodgers ph 801-298-9095 [email protected] tlr 12/25/12
The malicious "fiery furnace" actions of HUD placed precious infant
"Daniel In The Lions Den" of corrupt Medicine, CPS & their Court!
The first fact you must remember is that HUD took control and has regulated the entire Manufactured
Housing industry since June 15,1976! – The problems of the industry is HUD's problem, not the industry!
Click links and carefully read attached papers and sites following. These have already saved the lives of many Manufactured / Mobile Home occupants, their infants, children and other loved ones with them! – They may save yours: (This webpage should remain available in tab or window stack for easy return, while you look at these following links)
http://DavisClipper.com/view/full_story/1911745/article-Remedy-could-block-CO-risk? [by Dr Jay Bishop]
http://DanielInTheLionsDen.us ...Baby Daniel's original case w/ my Discovery – Utah State Court conceded!
http://LicenseToKill.us ...National poisoning problem – US CDC admitted, US GAO verified!
Thomas L Rodgers ph 801-298-9095 [email protected] tlr 12/25/12
The malicious "fiery furnace" actions of HUD placed precious infant
"Daniel In The Lions Den" of corrupt Medicine, CPS & their Court!
The first fact you must remember is that HUD took control and has regulated the entire Manufactured
Housing industry since June 15,1976! – The problems of the industry is HUD's problem, not the industry!
This was the condition of "baby Daniel" in the depths of his - and his family's poisoning in this Manufactured Home in Utah, Winter 2007/2008.
Had I not been contacted, Feb 10, 2008, by Daniel's father and pursued fact, this infant would have been taken by the State of Utah (and four other children with him, destroying an entire family) or returned (as misdiagnosed) with his family to their dangerously toxic Manufactured home to die, possibly his family along with him.
In viewing him (and his parents) I noted his (and his parents) appearance (rosacea w/ cyanosis) and expressive (headache w/ nausea) symptoms – based in my experience in pathology (pediatric, adult and animal) – were classic to poisoning. So I then traveled the 140 miles to investigate their home, since I knew the poison's source had to be within a commonly shared environment.
Had I not been contacted, Feb 10, 2008, by Daniel's father and pursued fact, this infant would have been taken by the State of Utah (and four other children with him, destroying an entire family) or returned (as misdiagnosed) with his family to their dangerously toxic Manufactured home to die, possibly his family along with him.
In viewing him (and his parents) I noted his (and his parents) appearance (rosacea w/ cyanosis) and expressive (headache w/ nausea) symptoms – based in my experience in pathology (pediatric, adult and animal) – were classic to poisoning. So I then traveled the 140 miles to investigate their home, since I knew the poison's source had to be within a commonly shared environment.
Thankfully, to pay for my University education and in my youth, I worked many years with my father in his plumbing and heating profession, so I knew HVAC code and had the common sense needed to identify the gross health and safety construction code violation on their Manufactured home, that would – when weather conditions were "wrong" (in terms of safety) – allow the easy, unrestricted, fan-powered drafted suction of the fumes from this family's own furnace and water heater exhausts to be drawn towards and through HUD"s (violate) three-foot-only distant "Dilution-Air" Fresh (breathing) Air Intake
– to enter, blend into and contaminate ultimately the entire total volume of breathing air inside this family's nearly new "Energy Star" weather–tight, ~ 2004, Double-wide, Manufactured home.
Click photo (above-right) to see action of visible furnace fumes (exiting the furnace chimney, right) drifting towards and often entering the ("Dilution" or) "Fresh" Air Intake (left) for breathing air inside!
Also see: Photo and Video "Smoking Guns" page at: LicenseToKill.us/FurnaceToFreshAirAdderVapors.htm
– to enter, blend into and contaminate ultimately the entire total volume of breathing air inside this family's nearly new "Energy Star" weather–tight, ~ 2004, Double-wide, Manufactured home.
Click photo (above-right) to see action of visible furnace fumes (exiting the furnace chimney, right) drifting towards and often entering the ("Dilution" or) "Fresh" Air Intake (left) for breathing air inside!
Also see: Photo and Video "Smoking Guns" page at: LicenseToKill.us/FurnaceToFreshAirAdderVapors.htm
Here is the same baby Daniel (which you saw at near death above) after my discovery of his poisoning source, correct mediation and several weeks of clean (furnace and water heater exhaust-free) air, mom's perfect milk (clean air for mom, too), and the perfect love that his family only could give!
The Doctor in his community, as a referring adjunct to Utah's "prestigious" Primary Children's Hospital (PCMC), along with Utah's DCFS/CPS, GAL and Assistant Attorney General and "Family" Court Judge were about to deny baby Daniel that healing option and destroy his entire family with their ignorant diagnoses and malicious charges of "medical and nutritional neglect" – which, in profitable collusion, they were attempting to charge Daniel's parents, until I entered, identified, exposed and publicized the actual facts!
The Doctor in his community, as a referring adjunct to Utah's "prestigious" Primary Children's Hospital (PCMC), along with Utah's DCFS/CPS, GAL and Assistant Attorney General and "Family" Court Judge were about to deny baby Daniel that healing option and destroy his entire family with their ignorant diagnoses and malicious charges of "medical and nutritional neglect" – which, in profitable collusion, they were attempting to charge Daniel's parents, until I entered, identified, exposed and publicized the actual facts!
Baby Daniel was supposed to have been left retarded with malnourishment damage and "Kabuki Syndrome" according to the Doctor, PCMC and DCFS. What's your call?
Nearly two years later, as you can see, he is happy and healthy, by breathing clean air, eating mom's clean (Vegan) food and flourishing in the perfect love of his family, left intact – which the Doctor, the Docter's Hospital, DCFS, GAL, AAG and Court were about to destroy! We stopped that evil, only to expose another; The Gassing of possibly over 12 million Manufactured and Mobile home families in America by the Feds through HUD! – then suppressed and covered-up by HHS, IHS, in America's medicine, like Utah's PCMC!
Baby Daniel's poisoning details, with my discovery and our (successful) legal battle with the State of Utah, DCFS/CPS, the AAG and their malfeasant (mercenary) Medical collaborators – who actually were the accusers and prosecutory facilitators (for profit of course!) in his case – is in my initial website: DanielInTheLionsDen.us
Nearly two years later, as you can see, he is happy and healthy, by breathing clean air, eating mom's clean (Vegan) food and flourishing in the perfect love of his family, left intact – which the Doctor, the Docter's Hospital, DCFS, GAL, AAG and Court were about to destroy! We stopped that evil, only to expose another; The Gassing of possibly over 12 million Manufactured and Mobile home families in America by the Feds through HUD! – then suppressed and covered-up by HHS, IHS, in America's medicine, like Utah's PCMC!
Baby Daniel's poisoning details, with my discovery and our (successful) legal battle with the State of Utah, DCFS/CPS, the AAG and their malfeasant (mercenary) Medical collaborators – who actually were the accusers and prosecutory facilitators (for profit of course!) in his case – is in my initial website: DanielInTheLionsDen.us
HUD's License to injure! - State's License to accuse, abduct and prosecute! - Medicine's License to Profit!
Through my discovery in this one family's case, I soon established the fact that ALL Manufactured and Mobile Homes produced in America, with combustion type heat (gas, propane, oil, kerosine, coal, wood) since 15 June 1976 (carry this HUD "license to kill-us" tag), presented the same toxic exhaust poisoning opportunity of subtle–to–deadly Carbon Monoxide (CO), Formaldehyde (H2CO), NOx and VOC's to all individuals and families so housed, just like precious baby Daniel and his innocent family.
I immediately contacted my Local, State and Federal Governments, Agencies, including HUD, HHS and IHS, and the Media, with my disclosure; and have continued my "National scope" correction efforts in this problem as recorded in my "intense" website: LicenseToKill.us
Examples of the 12 million Manufactured and Mobile Home units –
bearing this Federal Tag and Venting Code Violation it mandates!r
Read captions by placing cursor over photos - or clicking photo to expand to full-screen with captions exposed:
I immediately contacted my Local, State and Federal Governments, Agencies, including HUD, HHS and IHS, and the Media, with my disclosure; and have continued my "National scope" correction efforts in this problem as recorded in my "intense" website: LicenseToKill.us
Examples of the 12 million Manufactured and Mobile Home units –
bearing this Federal Tag and Venting Code Violation it mandates!r
Read captions by placing cursor over photos - or clicking photo to expand to full-screen with captions exposed:
The next 12 photos are of two units implicated in the illness of my friend's daughter.
As she lives and works in them, they caused her, her cat (and husband's) 4 yrs of illness.
As she lives and works in them, they caused her, her cat (and husband's) 4 yrs of illness.
Here is another HUD code hazard:
This manufactured home (and park office) unit (represented in the preceding 12 photos above) has a fan powered Attic Vent (the medium pipe w/ cap far-right) which is mounted in the same jack assembly with the "Fresh" (Breathing) Air Intake (smaller pipe w/ cap, center-right).
Attic Ventilator w/ Fresh Air Intake Violation:
Separated by only 4 inches, this Attic Ventilator with Fresh Air intake combination in one "roof jack flange assembly" introduces the attic space insulation dust (fiberglass, asbestos, poly-foam or fire retardant treated cellulose – all carcinogenic), wind deposited and construction debris, framing and sheeting glues, shingle tars and adhesive off–gasses to the in-flow of the "Fresh air" Breathing (aka, Dilution) Air Intake, along with the combustion produced Carbon Monoxide, Formaldehyde, NOx and VOCs expelled in the fumes of the Furnace Exhaust (large duplex double-capped pipe at left) mounted only three feet away (horizontally) to the left.
This manufactured home (and park office) unit (represented in the preceding 12 photos above) has a fan powered Attic Vent (the medium pipe w/ cap far-right) which is mounted in the same jack assembly with the "Fresh" (Breathing) Air Intake (smaller pipe w/ cap, center-right).
Attic Ventilator w/ Fresh Air Intake Violation:
Separated by only 4 inches, this Attic Ventilator with Fresh Air intake combination in one "roof jack flange assembly" introduces the attic space insulation dust (fiberglass, asbestos, poly-foam or fire retardant treated cellulose – all carcinogenic), wind deposited and construction debris, framing and sheeting glues, shingle tars and adhesive off–gasses to the in-flow of the "Fresh air" Breathing (aka, Dilution) Air Intake, along with the combustion produced Carbon Monoxide, Formaldehyde, NOx and VOCs expelled in the fumes of the Furnace Exhaust (large duplex double-capped pipe at left) mounted only three feet away (horizontally) to the left.
House-pets, like "Canaries in the Mine", suffer as poisoning victims, as well!
My friends daughter, her husband and cat living inside have all been perpetually ill, the four years they have lived in this unit (and worked in another). My friend's daughter works as the park manager in the park's office unit which has the same venting violation as her home, so she, like her cat (always inside her home), has been breathing contaminated air nearly 24 hours a day. Constantly ill herself – with no answer from her doctors – has also, many times, taken her sickly, lethargic cat to the Vet! – also with no answer as to why – until, at the request of her easily comprehending and caring mom, I showed up to examine her daughter's Manufactured home and office unit (photo above, rear view, shows the vents on roof like her own). She, her husband (when home from his work and when sleeping), and her cat were perpetually being poisoned!
Her husband in finally learning the facts, mitigated the problem.
Grateful, they now feel better! – and so does her cat!
Until the Federal Government and HUD, who created the problem, corrects it, you must protect yourself or those you love who are living (or working) in Manufacture or Mobile home units (all produced since 15 June 1976) with this venting violation by doing a simple "5 cent" temporary, but immediate life–saving fix.
See our "5 cent" fix and other remedy suggestions here http://LicenseToKill.us/TemporarySolution.htm
Click links and carefully read attached papers and websites – these have already saved the lives of many Manufactured / Mobile Home occupants, their infants, children and other loved one! – They may save yours:
http://DavisClipper.com/view/full_story/1911745/article-Remedy-could-block-CO-risk? [by Dr Jay Bishop]
http://DanielInTheLionsDen.us ...Baby Daniel's original case w/ my Discovery – Utah State Court conceded!
http://LicenseToKill.us ...National poisoning problem – US CDC admitted, US GAO verified..
http://FamilyVsState.us ...Another example of Medical cover-up of Carbon Monoside in its killing one child, and left undisclosed to nearly kill another and charging parents so colluding Medicine and the State could take the surviving infant and adopt out two more "prize" siblings!
[While reading this site, I hope you listened to my "Power Hour" radio interview: 2 Dec 2008 first hour, then second hour! or got to appreciate the message and enjoy the music of this video The Air that I Breath]
– Then consider listening to me and Dr Jay Bishop in our 2 hour "Republic Magazine" interview 22 July 2012. I apologize for my exhaustion (no sleep for two days) while desperately trying to get everything said. Thankfully Dr Jay Bishop was able to fill in were my fatigue left me vacant – so please listen anyway.]
My friends daughter, her husband and cat living inside have all been perpetually ill, the four years they have lived in this unit (and worked in another). My friend's daughter works as the park manager in the park's office unit which has the same venting violation as her home, so she, like her cat (always inside her home), has been breathing contaminated air nearly 24 hours a day. Constantly ill herself – with no answer from her doctors – has also, many times, taken her sickly, lethargic cat to the Vet! – also with no answer as to why – until, at the request of her easily comprehending and caring mom, I showed up to examine her daughter's Manufactured home and office unit (photo above, rear view, shows the vents on roof like her own). She, her husband (when home from his work and when sleeping), and her cat were perpetually being poisoned!
Her husband in finally learning the facts, mitigated the problem.
Grateful, they now feel better! – and so does her cat!
Until the Federal Government and HUD, who created the problem, corrects it, you must protect yourself or those you love who are living (or working) in Manufacture or Mobile home units (all produced since 15 June 1976) with this venting violation by doing a simple "5 cent" temporary, but immediate life–saving fix.
See our "5 cent" fix and other remedy suggestions here http://LicenseToKill.us/TemporarySolution.htm
Click links and carefully read attached papers and websites – these have already saved the lives of many Manufactured / Mobile Home occupants, their infants, children and other loved one! – They may save yours:
http://DavisClipper.com/view/full_story/1911745/article-Remedy-could-block-CO-risk? [by Dr Jay Bishop]
http://DanielInTheLionsDen.us ...Baby Daniel's original case w/ my Discovery – Utah State Court conceded!
http://LicenseToKill.us ...National poisoning problem – US CDC admitted, US GAO verified..
http://FamilyVsState.us ...Another example of Medical cover-up of Carbon Monoside in its killing one child, and left undisclosed to nearly kill another and charging parents so colluding Medicine and the State could take the surviving infant and adopt out two more "prize" siblings!
[While reading this site, I hope you listened to my "Power Hour" radio interview: 2 Dec 2008 first hour, then second hour! or got to appreciate the message and enjoy the music of this video The Air that I Breath]
– Then consider listening to me and Dr Jay Bishop in our 2 hour "Republic Magazine" interview 22 July 2012. I apologize for my exhaustion (no sleep for two days) while desperately trying to get everything said. Thankfully Dr Jay Bishop was able to fill in were my fatigue left me vacant – so please listen anyway.]
– Go to my Youtube.com/GassingAmerica channel for more videos documenting this Carbon Monoxide poisoning prevalence and its "coverup" Thomas L Rodgers ph 801-298-9095 [email protected]
Hurricane Sandy Victims and relief workers are at extreme risk of Combustion Fumes and [FEMA Trailer] Formaldehyde poisonings, right now as the winter's severe cold has set in!
Since I was asked to testifying in behalf of the Hurricane Katrina victims in the Congressional EPA, HUD and FEMA investigative hearing in New Orleans, DC (and Tulsa), I was also asked to advise the (8) affected East Coast States, their agencies, victims, volunteer rescue, support, housing and reclamation efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. My actions and knowledge utilized after the discovery case and post Katrina efforts, is recorded in LicenseToKill.us. It served to initiate the US Government Accountability Office investigation and report. My Katrina experience, the GAO report (w/ CDC. HHS, HUD's admission) perfectly predisposed our current efforts for Hurricane Sandy's victims and aid workers. In LicenseToKill.us, our current Hurricane Sandy effort is linked as: Hurricane Sandy Notice and warning Victims and Survivors, Poisoning Risk This advice given to Hurricane Sandy's victims and aid workers actually applies to all 34 million individuals living in HUD's regulated Manufactured / Mobile homes or FEMA provided housing and all other potential Carbon Monoxide poison victims in America. That include you!
– Please read it as well. [also print and share "OS-NoticeAndWarningSandyVictims-CORisk.doc"]
– Please read it as well. [also print and share "OS-NoticeAndWarningSandyVictims-CORisk.doc"]
Author of this site; DanielInTheLionsDen.us; LicenseToKill.us; scientist; advocate; Thomas L Rodgers
Sunday morning 10 Feb 2008 my peaceful retirement vaporized as a Father living in a Manufactured Home called me and pled for my help to save his baby and his family. We had no idea that in saving his child we would be saving many more.
I am grateful to my dear wife – as this now 5 year effort has cost us both dearly. All along she has been supportive, kind-hearted and sacrificing, as have our children. Other kindhearted friends, Paul, Mary Mendenhall (w/ Allen their aid), KK Fowlks, Shirley Norsworthy, Lynn Johnson, and Dr Jay Bishop have given to make my (very frugal) trips to DC (4 trips), New Orleans (Katrina Victims), Tulsa (MHCC / Manufactured Housing Show /Convention) and to several Native American communities, including 2 NCAI Conferences possible,
Thomas L Rodgers,
801-298-9095 I sell nothing, so please feel free to call me anytime - Your life or loved ones' lives may depend on it.
PO Box 304 Bountiful Utah 84011-0304, email: [email protected] or [email protected].
Please share this life-saving website with everyone you know! -- They may have someone they love affected!
Now go to LicenseToKill.us for hard facts of National importance discovered in initial case DanielInTheLionsDen.us
I am grateful to my dear wife – as this now 5 year effort has cost us both dearly. All along she has been supportive, kind-hearted and sacrificing, as have our children. Other kindhearted friends, Paul, Mary Mendenhall (w/ Allen their aid), KK Fowlks, Shirley Norsworthy, Lynn Johnson, and Dr Jay Bishop have given to make my (very frugal) trips to DC (4 trips), New Orleans (Katrina Victims), Tulsa (MHCC / Manufactured Housing Show /Convention) and to several Native American communities, including 2 NCAI Conferences possible,
Thomas L Rodgers,
801-298-9095 I sell nothing, so please feel free to call me anytime - Your life or loved ones' lives may depend on it.
PO Box 304 Bountiful Utah 84011-0304, email: [email protected] or [email protected].
Please share this life-saving website with everyone you know! -- They may have someone they love affected!
Now go to LicenseToKill.us for hard facts of National importance discovered in initial case DanielInTheLionsDen.us